
World Handicap System features announced 世界差點系統若干特點發佈2018年2月20日
The way golfers around the world will calculate their handicaps is set to be transformed by a new system developed by The R&A and the USGA, with key features designed to provide all golfers with a consistent measure of playing ability。
The new World Handicap System, to be implemented in 2020, follows an extensive review of systems administered by six existing handicapping authorities: Golf Australia, the Council of National Golf Unions (CONGU) in Great Britain and Ireland, the European Golf Association (EGA), the South African Golf Association (SAGA), the Argentine Golf Association (AAG) and the USGA。
全新的世界高爾夫差點系統將在2020年正式公佈生效,在公佈生效之前,澳大利亞高爾夫協會(Golf Australia)、全國高爾夫聯盟委員會(CONGU,Council of National Golf Unions)、歐洲高爾夫協會(EGA,European Golf Association)、南非高爾夫協會(SAGA,South African Golf Association)、阿根廷高爾夫協會(AAG,Argentine Golf Association)以及美國高爾夫協會(USGA)將對新的差點系統進行全面、深度的審核。
Features of the World Handicap System世界差點系統將遵循以下幾點特徵
1、Flexibility in formats of play, allowing both competitive and recreational rounds to count for handicap purposes and ensuring a golfer’s handicap is more reflective of potential ability。
球手打球方式更加靈活,新的世界差點系統允許球手提交以對抗或休閒為打球目的而取得的成績,並以此計算出差點指數,確保差點指數更加準確地反映出每一位球手潛在的打球能力。2、A recommendation that the number of scores needed to obtain a new handicap be 54 holes from any combination of 18-hole and 9-hole rounds, but with some discretion available for handicapping authorities or National Associations to set a different minimum within their own jurisdiction。
3、A consistent handicap that is portable from course to course and country to country through worldwide use of the USGA Course and Slope Rating System, already successfully used in more than 80 countries。
4、An average-based calculation of a handicap, taken from the best eight out of the last 20 scores and factoring in memory of previous demonstrated ability for better responsiveness and control。
5、A calculation that considers the impact that abnormal course and weather conditions might have on a player’s performance each day。
6、Daily handicap revisions, taking account of the course and weather conditions calculation。
7、A limit of Net Double Bogey on the maximum hole score (for handicapping purposes only)。
8、A maximum handicap limit of 54.0, regardless of gender, to encourage more golfers to measure and track their performance to increase their enjoyment of the game。
Worldwide stakeholder engagement世界差點系統問卷調查
Quantitative research was conducted in 15 countries around the world, through which 76 percent of the 52,000 respondents voiced their support for a World Handicap System, 22 percent were willing to consider its benefits, and only 2 percent were opposed。 This was followed by a series of focus groups, in which more than 300 golf administrators and golfers from different regions around the world offered extensive feedback on the features of the proposed new system。針對建立新的世界差點系統,我們在15個國家開展了問卷調查,結果顯示:在52000名受訪者中,76%持贊同意見,22%持保留意見,2%持反對意見。問卷調查之後,我們又與來自全球不同國家和地區超過300名的高爾夫管理者及球手開展了一系列交流,他們為新的世界差點系統提供了諸多回饋和建議。
This feedback has helped shape the WHS, which has been developed by The R&A and the USGA with support from each handicapping authority as well as the Japan Golf Association and Golf Canada。
A modern and more accessible sport一項現代化、高參與度的運動
Martin Slumbers, Chief Executive of The R&A, said, “We are working with our partners and National Associations to make golf more modern, more accessible and more enjoyable as a sport and the new World Handicap System represents a huge opportunity in this regard。
“We want to make it more attractive to golfers to obtain a handicap and strip away some of the complexity and variation which can be off-putting for newcomers。 Having a handicap, which is easier to understand and is truly portable around the world, can make golf much more enjoyable and is one of the unique selling points of our sport。”
Mike Davis, CEO of the USGA, commented, “For some time, we’ve heard golfers say ‘I’m not good enough to have a handicap,” or ‘I don’t play enough to have a handicap。’ We want to make the right decisions now to encourage a more welcoming and social game。 We’re excited to be taking another important step – along with modernising Golf’s Rules – to provide a pathway into the sport, making golf easier to understand and more approachable and enjoyable for everyone to play。”
美國高爾夫球協會執行總監邁克-大衛斯(Mike Davis)說:“我們不時會聽到一些球手說‘我不夠優秀,無法擁有差點’或者‘我打的場次不夠多,無法擁有差點’。現在我們希望鼓勵高爾夫成為一項更受歡迎、更具社交性的運動。值得高興的是,我們在促進高爾夫規則簡化的同時又邁出了重要的一步,那就是為更多的人參與高爾夫運動提供途徑,讓這項運動更容易理解,更接地氣,讓每個參與其中的人更能享受它的樂趣。”
Objectives of golf’s World Handicap System高爾夫世界差點系統的目標
The tenets of the new system focus on three main objectives: to encourage as many golfers as possible to obtain and maintain a handicap; to enable golfers of differing abilities, genders and nationalities to transport their handicap to any course globally and compete on a fair and equitable basis; and to indicate with sufficient accuracy the score a golfer is reasonably capable of achieving on any course around the world, playing under normal conditions。世界差點系統目標主要有三:鼓勵更多的高爾夫球手獲得差點指數,並持續使用差點系統;讓不同性別、水準、國家的高爾夫球手在世界的任何一座球場都能公平競技;在全世界的任何一家球場,都可以獲得準確的成績。
Given worldwide alignment towards a single system, all parties will now embark on a two-year transition period targeting implementation in 2020。 When adopted, the World Handicap System will be governed by The R&A and the USGA and administered locally by the six existing authorities and National Associations around the world, with safeguards included to ensure consistency as well as adaptability to differing golf cultures。
鑒於制訂的是全球統一的高爾夫差點系統,各方將從今年開啟為期兩年的系統過渡期,目標於2020年正式實施。屆時,世界差點系統將由R&A 和USGA共同主管,並由世界六大差點機構與各國家高爾夫球協會分別運營,以確保系統運營順利。
The six handicapping authorities represent approximately 15 million golfers in 80 countries who currently maintain a golf handicap。
The announcement is the latest step in a multi-year collaboration between The R&A and the USGA, handicap authorities and national and regional golf associations around the world to introduce one set of Rules for handicapping, aimed to support modernising, growing and supporting accessibility of the sport。此次公告的發佈是多年以來R&A與USGA長期合作邁出的重要一步,各差點系統機構、不同國家地區的高爾夫球協會共同使用統一的差點標準,將助推高爾夫運動實現現代化、快速發展和更廣泛參與度。