



unrise Golf and Country Club in Taipei, the course where Yani Tseng trained as a junior before returning last year to win an LPGA event, will host the seventh Faldo Series Chinese Taipei Championship on June 19-20. The ladies world number one is a past winner of Sir Nick Faldo’s global golf development programme. 揚昇球場是曾雅妮年少時的培訓所在,去年她曾在此奪得台灣LPGA錦標賽冠軍,而揚昇也將於619-20日承辦第七屆佛度盃台灣錦標賽,雅妮這位世界球後曾經是尼克佛度爵士全球高爾夫培訓計畫系列賽的贏家。

Chinese Taipei’s golfing stars aged 12 to 21 will line up in the 36-hole Faldo Series event at Sunrise, hoping to secure a place in the seventh Asia Grand Final which Faldo will host at Mission Hills Golf Club in China next March.

With the field divided into five age-groups – three for boys and two for girls – the winners will qualify for the World Amateur Golf Ranking event at Mission Hills, won previously by Tseng as well as female compatriots Hsieh Yu-Ling and Liu Yi-Chen.

Established in 1996, 38 Faldo Series tournaments now take place in 28 countries worldwide with more than 7,000 golfers participating each year. Other past winners include men’s world number one, Rory McIlroy.
佛度盃創始於1996年,目前在全球28個國家每年舉辦38場佛度系列賽,有超過7000位選手參加,歷年冠軍還包括現任世界球王Rory McIlroy

The 2012/2013 Faldo Series Asia schedule features a record 18 tournaments in 15 countries, including four in mainland China and others in The Philippines, Chinese Taipei, Pakistan, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Singapore, Brunei, Cambodia, India, Nepal, Malaysia, Japan, Indonesia and Thailand. 2012/2013
年的亞洲系列賽將再創新高,於15 個國家舉辦18場賽事,包括中國大陸4場,以及菲律賓、台灣、巴基斯坦、越南、香港、新加坡、汶萊、柬埔寨、印度、尼泊爾、馬來西亞、日本、印尼、和泰國各一場。

The Faldo Series Asia is supported by major partners ISPS, Mission Hills and The R&A, official golf wear partner UFL and official suppliers TaylorMade and Tricor. It is endorsed by the Asian Tour and the Asia Pacific Golf Federation.

To enter the seventh Faldo Series Chinese Taipei Championship at Sunrise Golf and Country Club in Taipei on June 19-20, email garoc.tw@mas.hinet.net or visit www.garoc.org.

For more information on the Faldo Series visit www.nickfaldo.com. You can also follow the Faldo Series on Facebook at www.facebook.com/faldoseries and on Twitter at www.twitter.com/faldoseries.
其他賽事訊息請詳佛度官網www.nickfaldo.com,或上Facebook www.facebook.com/faldoseries 或推特 www.twitter.com/faldoseries

